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Project Local

Project Local is an innovative new component of Dynamic Supply Company that links local growers with a formal, consistent market. The project, which has been established with the support of the New Zealand Government Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, aims to build a new supply chain between rural producers in across Vanuatu with Dynamic and their established customer base. In doing so, Dynamic is able to reduce the amount of produce it imports from overseas and can make it easier for the hospitality sector to access fresh, consistent locally grown goods to showcase on their menus.

The benefits spread down to a grassroots level, where local growers linked in with crucial information regarding market demands, making it easier to grow based on what is required, and establish a consistent, reliable outlet for their produce that can maximise economic outcomes. 

After one year of implementation, Dynamic has established strong partnerships with almost 20 grower groups, including agri-businesses, cooperatives, farmers associations and NGOs. Dynamic is working with these groups to build grower capacity and mature the fruit and vegetable sector in Vanuatu, to increase opportunities for import substitution. Dynamic is also working with groups and government departments to identify key products for export that would open new market pathways for local growers. 

Local produce is available via the Dynamic online store or via our sales team. 

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